Friday, 28 March 2014

Top 5 Most Influential Books

Ok, I'm not going to lie - this has nothing to do with travelling whatsoever. If that's what you're here for, look away now!

I was tagged to do this post by the lovely Zee, and I'm hoping I got the gist, in the sense that I list the top five books that inspired me to write. Here goes!

1. The Illustrated Mum, Jacqueline Wilson 

So this one is going way, way back to early childhood. I loved all of Jacqueline Wilson's stories; all of children that are having a difficult time in life, for whatever reason, but hey - it'll be ok in the end. I also loved her story Midnight about a young girl called Jasmine, who would make little tiny fairy dolls to escape the world around her. But that came later, once I'd already fallen in love with writing. There was also Tracy Beaker at the Dumping Ground, The Cat Mummy and also Double Act, along with a bunch more that I would devour again and again - but this one was my favourite. Illustrated by Dolphin, she tells the tale of her eccentric mother and fed-up sister; I loved flicking back to the front cover every time a tattoo was mentioned to see if I could spot it, or finding out the story behind each one. I was happy when Dolphin and her mum were building the bread house for the dormice and I felt scared when everything was falling apart. I loved it because it was quirky and different, and I really, really yearned for them all to slot back together and be happy. It made me want to write something different too, and to always remember what it feels like to be a child, with all the worries that seem so insignificant when you're a grown up.

2. Alice In Wonderland, Lewis Carrol

I think this book shaped my entire life! This was a book that I always tried to read cover to cover in one sitting, because I wanted to enter and exit Wonderland the way Alice did; it was no good to just pop in and out of there as you pleased! This was a wonderful escape from normal life, with a weird and magical twist at every corner; it made me want to jot down all of my dreams, because I thought that one day I'd find one that was just about strange enough to be the next Alice. I'd like to think that once I've started travelling, I'll be in my own Wonderland. I'll sure as hell have plenty of time and material to write with!

3. Before I Fall, Lauren Oliver

Before I Fall absolutely blew me away, and if it wasn't for this book, I never would have picked up more Lauren Oliver novels, which means I never would have found the next book on my list - and that had a huge impact on my writing! It starts off as your typical 'it crowd' girls being all above everyone else and thinking they can get away with doing what they like, to who they like. They're on their way home from a party, pissing about in the car, when they have a huge accident and Samantha, our narrator, dies. She wakes up again, though, and relives the entire day, including the dying part. Then, guess what? It happens again, and again, and again; it takes a few goes around for her to realise that it's not really about her, but more the effect she has on other people, and making things right. It sounds a bit weirdo-sci-fi ish and maybe a bit clichĂ©, but the whole thing is very cleverly done and really quite emotional. This was the first book in a long time where I wasn't able to guess the ending and I wanted to be able to recreate that in my own writing.

4. Delirium, Lauren Oliver

This was the smallest picture of the original book cover that I could find, but it's ok, it's relative, because this one's a biggie! A dystopian world (my favourite!), where Love is considered a disease and a simple procedure can prevent you from becoming infected, and so preventing all the awful side effects the Delirium has to offer. It has all the typical dystopia paraphernalia - high fences, unknown wastelands, patrols, a place where crazy people that know the truth are locked up, and a messed up leader; but it was the whole disease thing that really gripped me. Lena is 'infected' before she has a chance to have the procedure and you really can't help but root for her and Alex. The ending was heartbreaking. It was this book that got me back into writing, and I should probably read it for the tenth time, so I can get my butt off of this little hiatus.

5. Dreamland, Sarah Dessen

I was given a bunch of Sarah Dessen novels for my 21st Birthday by the same person who tagged me to do this post, and to be fair, she did warn me to read this one last. I obviously ignored this, and it was one of the first few I read. I enjoyed all of Sarah's books, but this one quite literally broke my heart. So much so, I didn't want to read for a few days after out of respect for the fictional people I just cried over. Being in the main characters mind set - I've sort of been there, y'know? I know people that have been there too, and I felt literally every second of her pain. I won't tell you what happens, you have to read it for yourself, but it made me cry more than when Harry walks to his death in Deathly Hallows, or the last hundred pages of The Time Travellers Wife, or the beginning of Lovely Bones (just squeezing some more brilliant books in there). If I can portray even a sliver of that emotion in my own work, then I'd be happy.

There you go Zee! Sorry it took so long! I have no-one who I can pass this along to, so I'm going to give you a challenge right back. I want you to list the top 5 influential songs in your life. They can be for any topic, as long as they have influenced you! Get going!

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Savings etc.

I know Zee, I haven't forgotten about my five influential books. I'm getting there, I promise!

Nick sold his motorbike last week, which I thought, at first, was a silly idea. It's a mean, powerful, sports bike, that's wicked fast and super exhilarating - if you like feeling as though you'll die any moment - and perfect for the upcoming summer months. He worked his butt off to get it, and is still paying it off now, plus he only used it for one summer; in my eyes, he hadn't finished having fun on it and I was certain he'd regret selling it so soon.

Now though, I'm thinking it was actually a rather good idea! He lucked out on another bike that, to cut a long story short, will only set him back the cost of registering it as a UK vehicle. Which means he now has £4,000 in savings! Woah! We could literally leave for Australia now if we wanted - which we most certainly do, but won't. Because we've got our plan and we're sticking to it! The more savings we can get, the better chances we have of making everything work for us. I've heard quite a few stories, actually, of people that have gone out there with the minimal amount of money, thinking it sounds a lot ($5000), when in actual fact, when thinking of the cost of living, is only going to sustain you so long. If we want to be able to enjoy ourselves for a little while and adventure about a bit, every penny helps.

Nick's also in high spirits because his savings are exceeding mine, competitive little freak. But it's ok, I'll catch up. Not only that, but I aim to be at a certain level within Herbalife by the time we go, so I'm still getting a small income whilst travelling.

To be fair, the thing I'm happiest about is the fact that I enjoy riding on the bike with Nick again. I'd forgotten what it felt like to not fear for my life, or constantly be working to stay on the bike after every corner - seriously, that thing was better than the gym! - and I couldn't remember what the mile straight looked like because I've had my eyes closed for the last year! I no longer have to crap my pants every time we pull up to a red light, because the damn thing had so much power I never knew if Nick would wheelie or not. It was that lack of safety, or trust in the bike, that really took the enjoyment out of it for me. Don't get me wrong, it was an amazingly exciting bike, but not well suited for a pillion. The new bike reminds me of when we first met and we'd ride around for the fun of it, and I was happy just to hold on tight and watch the world rush by. 

This day, next year... I'll be in my last week of work. Holy shit, I'll be unemployed for the first time since I was sixteen. I'll actually be leaving my store, I won't be a manager anymore, and it'll belong to someone else. They better take good care of it!

Tuesday, 11 March 2014

A Letter From my Younger Self

So I had a little read through my old, old blog today (don't go there. Ever.) and found a little gem that really makes me cringe, but it really makes me happy too. I'm glad my previous self wrote more than I do now. So here is a letter I wrote for an older me back in 2010! I've added comments along the way, so you can see what a difference four years can make. older me,

Hey! How you doing? 

Celebrities like to publish books on letters to their younger selves. A lot of people look back and reminisce, some regret and a few would rather forget. Well this one's for you, Lydls, to make sure you're not looking back in ten years time and thinking 'I had aspirations back then...what went wrong?'.

Ugh, why did I think being called Lydls was cool? 

Precisely as I'm writing this, it's 22.50 on Tuesday 3rd August 2010. I'm on the laptop, sitting on the bed, 'Sam's Town' is playing. Ben, Goose, Tom and Daryl are playing COD - they all look pretty fixated by it, but to me it's just noise. Annoying, but in a sad way it's comforting; it's a sound that I hear a lot when the guys are together and happy. Currently, you're living life as a student, without the education and the hefty loan to go with it. You're squashed into a room with two brothers, and a slightly neglected Jasper in the shed. There's mess everywhere - clean clothes in one pile, dirty in another, plates, cups, glasses, make up, CD's, DVD's; it's all thrown around the room, but I could sure as hell find most things better than if it was cleaned. Give me a few minutes - we're going to Tescos.

Whoa, a lot of changes here. It's 1.30pm on Tuesday 11th March, 2014. I no longer use a brick as a laptop, I have a flashy touch screen model instead. I'm listening to the soundtrack of 'Frozen' (For The First Time In Forever - 'Wow am I so ready for this chaaaange!'). I have no idea where Ben, Goose, Tom and Daryl are in the world right now, but no doubt they haven't changed the fact that they're playing COD. Me and Ben are no longer an 'us' - sometimes peoples dreams are too different, and then we meet someone who's dreams match our own. You can't help who you love, and for me, it's my beautiful Nicky, who is at work fixing motorbikes right now. Eddie (the dog) is snuggling me - it's cosy! I no longer live a student life, but instead have a grown up job that I work hard at, drive, and pay my bills. There's not mess everywhere, but the room could do with a tidy. Oh, and I don't shop in Tescos as much any more.

Ok, so I didn't come back in a few minutes - but you should have guessed that. We went Tescos, nommed out, watched the green mile, and had a lay in with Benjamin. So... a little reminder of where certain people are right now - Squirt is in Conwy, Ben's in the bog, most of our little group is counting down the days until they migrate to Uni, and one person is helping their Mum move. I'm still in bed.

Jess is working in an office. I don't know where the other person is and the only Uni people I know now are my staff.

Be honest with yourself - you're a little disappointed you didn't make it to Uni. You could have done, you're bright enough to, but it wasn't in your heart. So...don't ever let it get to you. If you apply for something, you want to do something and you can't because you don't have a degree, then it's not for you is it? On the other hand, don't forget that you promised to keep learning things. Motorbikes, cars, guitars mainly. Don't let yourself slip into putting them off, because you never will get round to them. Remember - you wanted to learn the mechanics of these vehicles too, not just how to drive them.

Pfft. I didn't need Uni, I've done just fine by myself. I do wish I'd learnt another language though, rather than the art GCSE I've never used. I attempted to learn to ride a bike. HA! As for the mechanics of it, I think Nick would rather a bike was never serviced than let me at it. I'm trying the guitar again, and you can tell I'm putting effort in this time because the tips of my fingers are numb. I've built a guitar, so that counts too I think. Oh - and I can drive, and I know how to check my spark plugs. That's not a bad achievement. I haven't stopped learning either; I'm doing pole dancing at the moment and I've mastered (kinda) pyrography.

So most of our group is shifting to Uni in a countdown that consists of less than 30 days. I haven't really thought about it much, but now I do - I'm going to miss them immensely. They'll be back every so often, I know they will. So make sure you don't forget the good times you had with these people. You may or may not lose touch with them, but never forget JJ's, sneaking into clubs underage, the times they brightened or saved your shifts, days out, the zoo, Southend, Thorpe Park, Shoebury. The list goes on, and you have plenty of pictures, so keep looking at them, keep reminding yourself of the beautiful people you have surrounding you.

I see about four people that I used to, out of about thirty. But I kept the best lot.

Don't forget the things you promised you would achieve. If you are still stuck in McDonalds then you're actually stupid and you are actually a failure - Get the hell out of there! You're more than likely not in Macs, so...any of these ticked off yet? ; You said that you would travel the world before you settled into anything, that you'd work and move from country to country, you said you'd go to Oz for three months with Squirt - if this hasn't been done yet, find her, go now - you gave your word that you would. You wanted to watch the Northern Lights, wanted to see the sun set and rise over the Grand Canyon, wanted to have a beautiful wedding. These three have always been your dreams, so make them a reality. You wanted to make a ridiculously high bet in the Bellagio, work with lions in Africa, swim with dolphins in Tenerife and climb up a live volcano. Don't forget to live the dream, stop saving up thousands per trip - if you haven't already, just leave. Just go, and earn your money along the way. It is possible. When you come back, don't forget that you wanted to work in the police force. That the military police is on your mind, but you also like the idea of horse mounted police. All of this is possible, don't think it's not and don't give up because it's not falling in your lap. Don't settle for anything less, but if you're offered something amazing, take it.

Well, I'm not in McDonalds anymore - thank fuck! Our'pack-up-and-go' trip is only a year away, and don't you worry, I will make it to the Bellagio before camping at the Grand Canyon. Like I said, not everyone shares your dreams with you, but I'm lucky enough to have found Nick and we went looking for the Northern Lights in Iceland. Failed. But we did snorkel in glacier water between two continents, so not a waste! I know we'll have a beautiful wedding because I've never felt more happy and confident in my life. I've swum with dolphins, but not in Tenerife, and Jess is more than welcome to visit me in Oz. The police? Really, Lydia? Were you desperate? I can't forget to add lions, volcanoes and storm chasing to my to-do list.

Don't neglect Nanna, Aunt Egg, Tracy, Hayley, Grandad. They're amazing. Remember peoples birthdays. If you win the lottery, they're the first to receive a significant share. Make sure Egg moves to Devon, she'll never be happy unless she does. Make sure you have a beautiful wedding, and make sure in a few years time, before you have kids, you get your beach house in Devon. Make sure they grow up learning how to surf - not slang. Keep your promise and never have bratty children - because you can't stand them! Don't let them go to a concert before the age of 16 - see previous posts, Lydia, and remember how fucked off you were. Oh....and don't forget you wanted to ride a horse along the beach, so make sure you know how to ride properly.

Eesh, I still forget Birthdays. But if I won the lottery, my family are still just as important, except my mum would be included in the list too. My beach house won't be in Devon, it'll be on the Gold Coast. With turtles. The rest is still pretty much the same.

Write those letters you wanted to, encourage others to write theirs, get back in touch but make it on your terms - show them that they were wrong. Take your brother somewhere amazing, and visit Daniel wherever he may be. Let yourself get emotional, and let yourself regret a few things - regretting doesn't show weakness, it shows you've learnt. Remember things you've regretted before and don't make the same mistakes. Never forget the people that were there for you, and the people that said they were there - they never were.

I've learnt from my mistakes, that's for sure. Letters were written, but never sent, but it didn't matter anyway - we're all back together now. Florida was a double whammy, with my little and big brother. Stick me in front of an episode of Vampire Diaries or Originals, and watch the emotions run wild!

It's hard, because there's so much you'll need to remember and some you'll forget. But just make sure you're having fun, and never get complacent. If you read this and realise you haven't done what you wanted - then go and do it. If you read and realise that life is pretty much on track - then you go girl. Don't stop now.

Girl - you on track ;)

Things aren't going to fall in your lap - keep working for them, because you can be a hard worker. Carpé Diem xxx

I lost people, and I gained people, but I've surrounded myself with the very best. I've achieved and failed, but I've done the best I could. This time next year, I'll be reading this and it would have changed even more, but at least I got there in the end.

Saturday, 8 March 2014


There will be many people and things I'll miss when we move, and sometimes they're almost enough to keep me here. If Skype hadn't been invented, I don't think I could manage it. For one, I would miss my friends immensely. 

Let's take Siobhan. She's so geeky, it nearly makes me cringe (in a nice way), but I love that about her. I love that she says what she wants to, and isn't scared to voice her opinion, even when it differs from everyone else's. I love that she's so persistent in everything she believes in, and I'm certain that she'll achieve everything she's set out to do. Hell, on persistence alone, I think she'd score a publishing deal before they even looked at the material. It's second nature for her to blurt out something weird and ridiculous, but it's also automatic for her to give a logical and straight solution to someone being, well, somewhat irrational. I love her for all of her quirks and for being weird.

Then we have Jody. I don't think I've ever met somebody so much like myself. She loves to have an adventure and isn't afraid of doing something new; if I phone her up and say 'Jode, I just found out there's a snowboarding place near me - let's do it?' I know that what I'm asking is actually rhetorical. What I should be asking is, 'When are you next off so we can do something cool and crazy, and probably break a limb?'. Yet on the other hand, she's more than happy to educate me with films whilst painting nails, and she's one of the few people I can shop with without getting annoyed. I love that she's a big juxtaposition in the idea of girly-ness. She lives so far away from me too; I have friends who live not even two minutes down the road that I haven't seen since Christmas, yet Jody is an 80 mile round trip and we still make that, I'd say at least once a month. Oh, and she loves books! She's a big geek too, just like me. There's a pattern here with my friends, I'm sure.

I have my Sandee too, and oh, what will I do without her? And what will she do without me? Who will she vent to about all of her issues? And who will have my back for all my little problems? She's my big sister; she's always advised me on everything, whether it be big or small, but most importantly she's stuck with me when I've ignored all of that and messed up. And there were plenty who didn't. Oh, and driving is never as fun as when Sandee's in the car. Screwdrivers is all I have to say to that.

Last, but not least, is Jess. She used to be my fellow adventurer, but she mellowed out when she met her boyfriend. It seems like they've been together forever now, so needless to say we don't adventure much anymore, but if I want an awesome night in, I know where to look. She's probably the most supportive of the bunch, probably because she knows where I'm coming from and how long I've wanted this. We had a crazy notion when we were in our teens that we'd save up a ridiculous amount of money in six months and then literally up and leave everything, including my current boyfriend at the time, our house and my fairly well paid (but shite) job, to travel Oz for three  months. Oh, man, I miss being mentally spontaneous. God help the damage I would have caused if I was rich. But Jess has shown me that you can go off the rails a little and land safe and cosy back on them again.

Then I have a bunch of other friends, that are by no means less important. Don't be offended guys, I just don't know you as well as the above, and that makes me a little sad because you're all awesome, yet I just don't have enough time. There's Lizzy, Jordan, Carrie, Tobias, Lou, Anusha... I won't have a Princess Aimee to buy me chicken bakes in Oz. Do they even have Greggs over there? ... No! I may as well un-pack my bags right now then! I'd miss all the guys from work; Tracey with her 1,000 decibel voice and Margi with her infinite wisdom; Laura with all her drama and best intentions, and Hayley and Emily who are just the sweetest. 

It sounds so sappy, but I'd keep all of these people with me. They'd be there in the little things; whenever I pick up a book, or watch something in IMAX, when I'm stuck in traffic, snorkelling over a reef, or cuddling koalas, and I'll wish that they could see it too. I'll have to take a bunch of photos.

This day next year... I'll be in my last few weeks of work and shit will be getting real!