Friday 30 May 2014


I don't have a particularly high pressure job; I'm not a doctor or a teacher, you don't need any specific qualifications or skills - but I can't wait to not be a manager any more.

I hate the petty questions I'm asked, where I think, if you actually took the time to use your brain for all of two minutes, you could've figured that out yourself. I'm not talking about genuine I-don't-get/know-how-to-do-this questions. I'm talking about people who have been there more than three months and ask me 'Where does this go?' Well, it's broken, so it goes in the box to be sent off. But that's not the end of it - I have to make sure they follow procedure and put the right sticker on it, save the barcode and log it. Thing is, it's all things I've been though before and you've only got to use your noggin and look around you to get your answers half the time. Just listen to me the first time I tell you, or have a go and then ask me if you got it right. 

I hate that no-one wants to work, whether that be their scheduled shift or to come in and cover a sickness. That's a lie actually, there are a select few that always will, and I love them for it, but it's not fair on them. Why should a few people work twice as hard to help others out, yet never get the same back? I worked a thirteen hour shift the other day because someone phoned in sick and no one would cover because they had something going on. I then asked the person who phoned in sick if the could help me out and do a shift in a few days time. They agreed, then text me later saying they couldn't do it because of a family thing. How many family things do these kids have going on?! More like, it's a Sunday morning shift, you want to go out Saturday night but don't want to worry about work the next day. How about you face up to your responsibilities, stop complaining that you never have money, and help some people out for a change.

In Oz, I'll stick to the simple life, thanks.

1 comment:

  1. All this, and more, are the reason I dislike management. I also hate having to make the call with difficult customers, like the woman we had the other day who expected a refund because her son had scuffed his Boss trainers the first time he wore them. It sucks to be down the rung saying 'I can't authorise a return on those' but being the one who can and has to tell her where to shove it, basically … I don't envy you that.

    I'll miss you in Oz. The kangaroos and koala's are going to be so lucky!
